sparking imaginations, connecting congregations, and offering a distinctively Presbyterian witness to Jesus Christ
Today, I want to invite anyone who follows my posts or blogs to consider joining the regional NEXT event in Durham next month. August 18, to be precise. To learn more or to register go to the Westminster Presbyterian Church, Durham website: Register for Next Church Durham
I am going because I want to be part of interesting, missional, and vital conversations with colleagues in this region who have compelling ideas, expertise to share, and a witness which inspires.
I am going to hear Franklin and Amanda tell the story of Durham Presbyterian Church.
I am going to listen to Howard Dudley share his love of music.
I am going to hear Erin Mills talk about Youth Ministry.
I am going to hear Mary Katherine Robinson and Katherine Cooke Kerr speak about pastoral care across the generations in our churches.
I am going to hear Erin Mills talk about Youth Ministry.
I am going to hear Mary Katherine Robinson and Katherine Cooke Kerr speak about pastoral care across the generations in our churches.
I am going to hear John Cleghorn tell the story of Caldwell Presbyterian in Charlotte.
I am going to learn about centering prayer from Katie Crowe.
I am going to listen, pray, and seek God's will for my church and our church.
I am going and I hope you will join me.
Some of you may not be sure if you will be welcome there; at least not yet. Let me tell you that I belong to no affinity group. I belong to no special interests groups in our church. I have been to both national Next events and have yet to hear one stump speech supporting any special interest group or any one party at the expense of another in our church. I don't subscribe to binary conversations about good Christians and bad Christians, liberal Presbyterians and conservative Presbyterians, or us Presbyterians and them Presbyterians.
The deep truth is there is no us and them. There is really only us. Disciples of one Lord. Stewards of one church. Proclaimers of God's infinite grace. I truly think that the Spirit of unity, God's Holy Spirit, is calling us in the mid-Atlantic to draw close in prayer and really listen to discern God's future.
My best guess is that we have a better chance of hearing the still small voice, catching a glimpse of whatever new things God might reveal, if there are lots of ears in the room and lots of eyes joined in looking. Another guess I have is that our ears are tuned for different melodies: some of us long to hear orthodoxy, some long for service, some for evangelism, some for altruism, some for unity, and some for church growth. If all those ears with their specific and relative tunings will all join in worship and learning together, well then I suspect we just might hear or see what it is that God is likely to do.
Will it be a perfect conference? Nope (at least I don't think so - I have directed too many conferences to think it will be seamless).
Will there be moments of uncertainty? Probably (at least I think so - I have directed too many conferences to think it will be seamless).
Will there be a faithful call longing for a faithful response? Surely (because that is the promise of Jesus -- 'wherever you go, I go.' And wherever Jesus might go, we are called to follow.).
I do hope you will join me. There are no votes taken. There are no debates held. You will not hear once more about what makes us different. But instead, we will learn once more about how we can, through our practices and shared knowledge, be a more inspiring church together.