I have been accused of seeing the world through rose colored glasses. Okay enough, I suppose. Today I have been challenged - sermon won't come easily, there is stress to deliver and to provide, there is much going on around me that is beyond my control -- and it all stacked up today. Searching around the internet for images of love and joy. I came across this. I have no idea what soulpancake is or is not. I only know that in this staged exercise they captured joy. Notice how it is not limited by age or race or whether one has tatoos or not. Good reminder today for me. Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. And joy is necessary to being.
Thoughts from an armchair theologian - insights from the intersection of faith and culture - perspective from the point.* Views expressed here are not necessarily those of White Memorial Presbyterian Church.
"There is an intellectual desire, an eros of the mind. Without it there would arise no questioning, no inquiry, no wonder." Bernard Lonergan
"It seems clear that humans cannot significantly reduce or mitigate the dangers inherent in their use of life by ccumulating more information or better theories or by achieving greater predictability or more caution in their scientific and industrial work. To treat life as less than a miracle is to give up on it." Wendell Berry
"Do not be afraid, my little flock, for it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." Luke 12:32
"It seems clear that humans cannot significantly reduce or mitigate the dangers inherent in their use of life by ccumulating more information or better theories or by achieving greater predictability or more caution in their scientific and industrial work. To treat life as less than a miracle is to give up on it." Wendell Berry
"Do not be afraid, my little flock, for it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." Luke 12:32
Spontaneous! Love it! Smiles when you least expect it. Like opening a window in a stuffy room.