Tomorrow we turn for home. We'll be back in Raleigh. LIfe to its normal pacing and routine.
In meeting our family I have banked several lessons -- of love and patience with your relatives. Of appreciation for the helping hands which helps without expectation of reciprocity. Of the incredible stories and lives which are being told in the houses we casually drive right by.
So tomorrow we turn for home. But not after turning our families' home -- and really homes, their old and new homes -- into a safer, warmer home. We did our part in turning the family for home. others did theirs before us. New people will come Sunday. Thank God. There is much to do. Many homes yet to turn.
Final pics from the week....
Playing games.
Mustache day.
Morning devotions.
Door frames in our families' newer home. Previous groups have signed them. Our names are now there, too.
Strongest member of the team.
Jennifer and Charlotte, ASP Camp Director, map out some next steps on the painting and repairs.
One of A.'s 143 gospel and faith based songs.
"O Lord in your mercy - hear our prayers...that their home will be warm, loving, and caring. That their lives can grow strong, and their faith be increased. May our work be for your glory, and may the group to come next week take our labor and improve upon it. By your grace may all families be strengthened and by your love may all people know your love.... For this family, O Lord, we pray now this our prayer... Amen."
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